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  • DOPAnT
  • WCOMBs
  • Passive fiber optic sensors
    Passive fiber optic sensors
  • Universal fiber-optic communication systems' parameter measurement technology
    Universal fiber-optic communication systems' parameter measurement technology
  • Energy Efficient Communication Systems Technology
    Energy Efficient Communication Systems Technology



Contract no.

The aim of the project is to develop a technology for time-amplitude analysis of event flows with high time measurement resolution, high nanosecond pulse amplitude measurement resolution and high measurement parameter stability, as well as to study the applications of this technology in satellite laser ranging and optical communication line testing and monitoring.

The project is implemented by the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science in cooperation with the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Latvia and AFFOC Solution Ltd.

The project envisages achieving a high resolution of the results of measuring the time characteristics of event flows, thanks to the simultaneous recording of the moment of the event and the amplitude of the event pulse. This allows the realization of precise time binding as a combination of leading edge discrimination and amplitude correction of results, which results in timing accuracy of approx. 5ps RMS. The solution is based on the extension of EDI event timing technology with nanosecond pulse amplitude measurement, correlation between constant threshold discriminator output signal delay and pulse amplitude determination, and accurate imitation of sensor signals using arbitrary signal generators. It is planned to develop methods for testing the resolution of picosecond time binding using general purpose hardware.

Period of time: 2021 June 1 - 2023 May 31

Financing: 540 033,44 €

Coordinator: Dr.sc.ing. Rolands Šāvelis

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